Buy Indian products and get them delivered to USA, Canada, Australia, Europe, Middle East, South East Asia, and worldwide. We specialize in shipping a wide range of Indian products globally. International priority shipping takes 3 to 5 business days. No extra duties.

Shipping Policy

We offer express shipping services to the following destinations: USA, UK, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Macau, Philippines, Tuvalu, Kuwait, Nigeria, Romania, Faroe Islands, Qatar, Seychelles, Oman, Tanzania, Saudi Arabia, Norway, Uganda, Zambia, Denmark, Kenya, Poland, Iceland, Malawi, Monaco, Albania, South Africa, Sweden, Mauritius, Lithuania, Canary Island, Thailand, Netherlands, Belarus, Ireland, Slovenia, Belgium, Portugal, Andorra, Kosovo, Estonia, Finland, Serbia, Malta, Greece, Hungary, Austria, Latvia, Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Moldova, Botswana, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, New Zealand, UAE, Slovakia, Madagascar, Montenegro, Sri Lanka, Croatia, Czech Republic, Gibraltar, Ghana, Hong Kong, Bahrain, India,

* Please note that customising the shipping location post-shipment may incur extra fees.

USA (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 49 USD or more
  • 3.93 USD Priority Shipping on orders of 35 USD to 48.99 USD
  • 6.91 USD Priority Shipping on orders of 25 USD to 34.99 USD
  • 9.88 USD Priority Shipping on orders of 15 USD to 24.99 USD
  • 14.83 USD Priority Shipping on orders of 10 USD to 14.99 USD
  • 17.81 USD Priority Shipping on orders less than 9.99 USD
UK (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 46 GBP or more
  • 2.96 GBP Priority Shipping on orders of 25 GBP to 46.99 GBP
  • 4.95 GBP Priority Shipping on orders of 15 GBP to 24.99 GBP
  • 7.94 GBP Priority Shipping on orders of 10 GBP to 14.99 GBP
  • 9.93 GBP Priority Shipping on orders less than 9.99 GBP
Canada (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 92 CAD or more
  • 3.04 CAD Priority Shipping on orders of 71 CAD to 91.99 CAD
  • 5.08 CAD Priority Shipping on orders of 49 CAD to 71.99 CAD
  • 10.17 CAD Priority Shipping on orders of 35 CAD to 49.99 CAD
  • 18.32 CAD Priority Shipping on orders of 21 CAD to 35.99 CAD
  • 22.39 CAD Priority Shipping on orders of 14 CAD to 21.99 CAD
  • 25.44 CAD Priority Shipping on orders less than 14.99 CAD
Germany (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 50 EUR or more
  • 2.84 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 33 EUR to 50.99 EUR
  • 7.64 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 14 EUR to 33.99 EUR
  • 11.41 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 9 EUR to 14.99 EUR
  • 14.26 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 9.99 EUR
France (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 51 EUR or more
  • 2.84 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 33 EUR to 51.99 EUR
  • 7.64 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 14 EUR to 33.99 EUR
  • 11.41 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 9 EUR to 14.99 EUR
  • 14.26 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 9.99 EUR
Italy (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 56 EUR or more
  • 6.71 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 39 EUR to 55.99 EUR
  • 8.94 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 28 EUR to 39.99 EUR
  • 11.18 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 20 EUR to 27.99 EUR
  • 14.54 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 11 EUR to 20.99 EUR
  • 17.89 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 11.99 EUR
Spain (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 56 EUR or more
  • 6.71 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 39 EUR to 55.99 EUR
  • 8.94 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 28 EUR to 39.99 EUR
  • 11.18 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 20 EUR to 27.99 EUR
  • 14.54 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 11 EUR to 20.99 EUR
  • 17.89 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 11.99 EUR
Australia (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 74 AUD or more
  • 4.52 AUD Priority Shipping on orders of 53 AUD to 73.99 AUD
  • 7.54 AUD Priority Shipping on orders of 38 AUD to 52.99 AUD
  • 12.09 AUD Priority Shipping on orders of 23 AUD to 37.99 AUD
  • 18.10 AUD Priority Shipping on orders of 15 AUD to 22.99 AUD
  • 22.63 AUD Priority Shipping on orders less than 15.99 AUD
Singapore (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 30 SGD or more
  • 15.04 SGD Priority Shipping on orders less than 30.99 SGD
Malaysia (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 56 MYR or more
  • 0.00 MYR Priority Shipping on orders of 56 MYR to 56.99 MYR
  • 11.30 MYR Priority Shipping on orders less than 56.99 MYR
Indonesia (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 31 IDR or more
  • 0.00 IDR Priority Shipping on orders of 31 IDR to 30.99 IDR
  • 9.18 IDR Priority Shipping on orders less than 30.99 IDR
Taiwan (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 1170 TWD or more
  • 0.00 TWD Priority Shipping on orders of 1170 TWD to 1169.99 TWD
  • 273.00 TWD Priority Shipping on orders less than 1169.99 TWD
Japan (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 6732 JPY or more
  • 0.00 JPY Priority Shipping on orders of 6730 JPY to 6731.99 JPY
  • 1542.75 JPY Priority Shipping on orders less than 6730.99 JPY
South Korea (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 69216 KRW or more
  • 0.00 KRW Priority Shipping on orders of 69200 KRW to 69215.99 KRW
  • 16480.00 KRW Priority Shipping on orders less than 69199.99 KRW
Macau (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 293 MOP or more
  • 0.00 MOP Priority Shipping on orders of 293 MOP to 292.99 MOP
  • 57.60 MOP Priority Shipping on orders less than 292.99 MOP
Philippines (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 2520 PHP or more
  • 0.00 PHP Priority Shipping on orders of 2519 PHP to 2519.99 PHP
  • 560.00 PHP Priority Shipping on orders less than 2519.99 PHP
Tuvalu (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 0 TU or more
  • 0.00 TU Priority Shipping on orders less than -0.01 TU
  • 0.00 TU Priority Shipping on orders less than -0.01 TU
Kuwait (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 18 KWD or more
  • 2.21 KWD Priority Shipping on orders of 13 KWD to 18.99 KWD
  • 2.94 KWD Priority Shipping on orders of 9 KWD to 12.99 KWD
  • 3.68 KWD Priority Shipping on orders of 7 KWD to 9.99 KWD
  • 4.78 KWD Priority Shipping on orders of 4 KWD to 6.99 KWD
  • 5.88 KWD Priority Shipping on orders less than 3.99 KWD
Nigeria (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 89287 NGN or more
  • 10714.39 NGN Priority Shipping on orders of 62501 NGN to 89286.99 NGN
  • 14285.85 NGN Priority Shipping on orders of 44643 NGN to 62500.99 NGN
  • 17857.32 NGN Priority Shipping on orders of 32143 NGN to 44643.99 NGN
  • 23214.51 NGN Priority Shipping on orders of 17857 NGN to 32143.99 NGN
  • 28571.71 NGN Priority Shipping on orders less than 17857.99 NGN
Romania (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 278 RON or more
  • 33.39 RON Priority Shipping on orders of 195 RON to 278.99 RON
  • 44.52 RON Priority Shipping on orders of 139 RON to 194.99 RON
  • 55.65 RON Priority Shipping on orders of 100 RON to 139.99 RON
  • 72.34 RON Priority Shipping on orders of 56 RON to 100.99 RON
  • 89.04 RON Priority Shipping on orders less than 55.99 RON
Faroe Islands (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 383 DKK or more
  • 23.43 DKK Priority Shipping on orders of 196 DKK to 383.99 DKK
  • 62.56 DKK Priority Shipping on orders of 78 DKK to 195.99 DKK
  • 117.39 DKK Priority Shipping on orders less than 78.99 DKK
Qatar (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 218 QAR or more
  • 26.16 QAR Priority Shipping on orders of 153 QAR to 218.99 QAR
  • 34.88 QAR Priority Shipping on orders of 109 QAR to 152.99 QAR
  • 43.61 QAR Priority Shipping on orders of 78 QAR to 109.99 QAR
  • 56.69 QAR Priority Shipping on orders of 44 QAR to 78.99 QAR
  • 69.77 QAR Priority Shipping on orders less than 43.99 QAR
Seychelles (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 838 SCR or more
  • 100.59 SCR Priority Shipping on orders of 587 SCR to 838.99 SCR
  • 134.11 SCR Priority Shipping on orders of 419 SCR to 586.99 SCR
  • 167.64 SCR Priority Shipping on orders of 302 SCR to 419.99 SCR
  • 217.93 SCR Priority Shipping on orders of 168 SCR to 301.99 SCR
  • 268.23 SCR Priority Shipping on orders less than 167.99 SCR
Oman (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 23 OMR or more
  • 2.77 OMR Priority Shipping on orders of 16 OMR to 23.99 OMR
  • 3.69 OMR Priority Shipping on orders of 12 OMR to 16.99 OMR
  • 4.61 OMR Priority Shipping on orders of 8 OMR to 11.99 OMR
  • 6.00 OMR Priority Shipping on orders of 5 OMR to 8.99 OMR
  • 7.38 OMR Priority Shipping on orders less than 4.99 OMR
Tanzania (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 159098 TZS or more
  • 19091.74 TZS Priority Shipping on orders of 111369 TZS to 159097.99 TZS
  • 25455.66 TZS Priority Shipping on orders of 79549 TZS to 111368.99 TZS
  • 31819.57 TZS Priority Shipping on orders of 57275 TZS to 79548.99 TZS
  • 41365.44 TZS Priority Shipping on orders of 31820 TZS to 57275.99 TZS
  • 50911.32 TZS Priority Shipping on orders less than 31819.99 TZS
Saudi Arabia (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 225 SAR or more
  • 26.98 SAR Priority Shipping on orders of 157 SAR to 224.99 SAR
  • 35.97 SAR Priority Shipping on orders of 112 SAR to 157.99 SAR
  • 44.97 SAR Priority Shipping on orders of 81 SAR to 112.99 SAR
  • 58.46 SAR Priority Shipping on orders of 45 SAR to 80.99 SAR
  • 71.95 SAR Priority Shipping on orders less than 44.99 SAR
Norway (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 640 NOK or more
  • 0.00 NOK Priority Shipping on orders of 640 NOK to 640.99 NOK
  • 128.09 NOK Priority Shipping on orders less than 640.99 NOK
Uganda (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 221470 UGX or more
  • 26576.40 UGX Priority Shipping on orders of 155029 UGX to 221469.99 UGX
  • 35435.20 UGX Priority Shipping on orders of 110735 UGX to 155028.99 UGX
  • 44294.00 UGX Priority Shipping on orders of 79729 UGX to 110734.99 UGX
  • 57582.19 UGX Priority Shipping on orders of 44294 UGX to 79729.99 UGX
  • 70870.39 UGX Priority Shipping on orders less than 44293.99 UGX
Zambia (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 1544 ZMW or more
  • 185.25 ZMW Priority Shipping on orders of 1081 ZMW to 1543.99 ZMW
  • 247.00 ZMW Priority Shipping on orders of 772 ZMW to 1080.99 ZMW
  • 308.75 ZMW Priority Shipping on orders of 556 ZMW to 771.99 ZMW
  • 401.38 ZMW Priority Shipping on orders of 309 ZMW to 555.99 ZMW
  • 494.00 ZMW Priority Shipping on orders less than 308.99 ZMW
Denmark (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 383 DKK or more
  • 23.43 DKK Priority Shipping on orders of 196 DKK to 383.99 DKK
  • 62.56 DKK Priority Shipping on orders of 78 DKK to 195.99 DKK
  • 117.39 DKK Priority Shipping on orders less than 78.99 DKK
Kenya (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 7700 KES or more
  • 924.01 KES Priority Shipping on orders of 5390 KES to 7700.99 KES
  • 1232.01 KES Priority Shipping on orders of 3850 KES to 5390.99 KES
  • 1540.02 KES Priority Shipping on orders of 2772 KES to 3850.99 KES
  • 2002.02 KES Priority Shipping on orders of 1540 KES to 2772.99 KES
  • 2464.03 KES Priority Shipping on orders less than 1540.99 KES
Poland (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 296 PLN or more
  • 28.93 PLN Priority Shipping on orders of 138 PLN to 295.99 PLN
  • 58.87 PLN Priority Shipping on orders of 89 PLN to 137.99 PLN
  • 78.82 PLN Priority Shipping on orders of 59 PLN to 88.99 PLN
  • 108.75 PLN Priority Shipping on orders less than 59.99 PLN
Iceland (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 8359 ISK or more
  • 0.00 ISK Priority Shipping on orders of 8357 ISK to 8358.99 ISK
  • 1671.75 ISK Priority Shipping on orders less than 8357.99 ISK
Malawi (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 103620 MWK or more
  • 12434.36 MWK Priority Shipping on orders of 72534 MWK to 103619.99 MWK
  • 16579.15 MWK Priority Shipping on orders of 51810 MWK to 72533.99 MWK
  • 20723.93 MWK Priority Shipping on orders of 37303 MWK to 51809.99 MWK
  • 26941.11 MWK Priority Shipping on orders of 20724 MWK to 37303.99 MWK
  • 33158.29 MWK Priority Shipping on orders less than 20723.99 MWK
Monaco (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 51 EUR or more
  • 2.84 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 33 EUR to 51.99 EUR
  • 7.64 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 14 EUR to 33.99 EUR
  • 11.41 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 9 EUR to 14.99 EUR
  • 14.26 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 9.99 EUR
Albania (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 5604 ALL or more
  • 0.00 ALL Priority Shipping on orders of 5603 ALL to 5603.99 ALL
  • 1120.75 ALL Priority Shipping on orders less than 5602.99 ALL
South Africa (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 867 ZAR or more
  • 96.54 ZAR Priority Shipping on orders of 620 ZAR to 867.99 ZAR
  • 194.05 ZAR Priority Shipping on orders of 443 ZAR to 619.99 ZAR
  • 242.81 ZAR Priority Shipping on orders of 265 ZAR to 443.99 ZAR
  • 291.56 ZAR Priority Shipping on orders of 178 ZAR to 265.99 ZAR
  • 389.08 ZAR Priority Shipping on orders less than 177.99 ZAR
Sweden (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 629 SEK or more
  • 75.45 SEK Priority Shipping on orders of 440 SEK to 628.99 SEK
  • 100.60 SEK Priority Shipping on orders of 314 SEK to 440.99 SEK
  • 125.74 SEK Priority Shipping on orders of 226 SEK to 314.99 SEK
  • 163.47 SEK Priority Shipping on orders of 126 SEK to 226.99 SEK
  • 201.19 SEK Priority Shipping on orders less than 125.99 SEK
Mauritius (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 2596 MUR or more
  • 348.13 MUR Priority Shipping on orders of 1322 MUR to 2596.99 MUR
  • 687.01 MUR Priority Shipping on orders of 566 MUR to 1321.99 MUR
  • 974.55 MUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 566.99 MUR
Lithuania (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 56 EUR or more
  • 6.71 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 39 EUR to 55.99 EUR
  • 8.94 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 28 EUR to 39.99 EUR
  • 11.18 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 20 EUR to 27.99 EUR
  • 14.54 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 11 EUR to 20.99 EUR
  • 17.89 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 11.99 EUR
Canary Island (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 56 EUR or more
  • 6.71 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 39 EUR to 55.99 EUR
  • 8.94 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 28 EUR to 39.99 EUR
  • 11.18 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 20 EUR to 27.99 EUR
  • 14.54 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 11 EUR to 20.99 EUR
  • 17.89 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 11.99 EUR
Thailand (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 2206 THB or more
  • 138.11 THB Priority Shipping on orders of 1162 THB to 2205.99 THB
  • 231.11 THB Priority Shipping on orders of 697 THB to 1162.99 THB
  • 370.61 THB Priority Shipping on orders of 465 THB to 697.99 THB
  • 463.61 THB Priority Shipping on orders less than 464.99 THB
Netherlands (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 51 EUR or more
  • 2.84 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 33 EUR to 51.99 EUR
  • 7.64 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 14 EUR to 33.99 EUR
  • 11.41 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 9 EUR to 14.99 EUR
  • 14.26 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 9.99 EUR
Belarus (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 196 BYN or more
  • 0.00 BYN Priority Shipping on orders of 196 BYN to 195.99 BYN
  • 39.13 BYN Priority Shipping on orders less than 195.99 BYN
Ireland (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 51 EUR or more
  • 2.84 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 33 EUR to 51.99 EUR
  • 7.64 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 14 EUR to 33.99 EUR
  • 11.41 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 9 EUR to 14.99 EUR
  • 14.26 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 9.99 EUR
Slovenia (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 56 EUR or more
  • 6.71 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 39 EUR to 55.99 EUR
  • 8.94 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 28 EUR to 39.99 EUR
  • 11.18 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 20 EUR to 27.99 EUR
  • 14.54 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 11 EUR to 20.99 EUR
  • 17.89 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 11.99 EUR
Belgium (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 56 EUR or more
  • 6.71 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 39 EUR to 55.99 EUR
  • 8.94 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 28 EUR to 39.99 EUR
  • 11.18 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 20 EUR to 27.99 EUR
  • 14.54 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 11 EUR to 20.99 EUR
  • 17.89 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 11.99 EUR
Portugal (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 61 EUR or more
  • 10.16 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 28 EUR to 61.99 EUR
  • 15.26 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 17 EUR to 28.99 EUR
  • 20.36 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 11 EUR to 16.99 EUR
  • 25.45 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 11.99 EUR
Andorra (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 56 EUR or more
  • 0.00 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 56 EUR to 55.99 EUR
  • 11.18 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 55.99 EUR
Kosovo (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 51 EUR or more
  • 2.84 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 33 EUR to 51.99 EUR
  • 7.64 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 14 EUR to 33.99 EUR
  • 11.41 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 9 EUR to 14.99 EUR
  • 14.26 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 9.99 EUR
Estonia (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 51 EUR or more
  • 2.84 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 33 EUR to 51.99 EUR
  • 7.64 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 14 EUR to 33.99 EUR
  • 11.41 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 9 EUR to 14.99 EUR
  • 14.26 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 9.99 EUR
Finland (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 51 EUR or more
  • 2.84 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 33 EUR to 51.99 EUR
  • 7.64 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 14 EUR to 33.99 EUR
  • 11.41 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 9 EUR to 14.99 EUR
  • 14.26 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 9.99 EUR
Serbia (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 56 EUR or more
  • 0.00 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 56 EUR to 55.99 EUR
  • 11.18 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 55.99 EUR
Malta (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 56 EUR or more
  • 0.00 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 56 EUR to 55.99 EUR
  • 11.18 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 55.99 EUR
Greece (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 56 EUR or more
  • 6.71 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 39 EUR to 55.99 EUR
  • 8.94 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 28 EUR to 39.99 EUR
  • 11.18 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 20 EUR to 27.99 EUR
  • 14.54 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 11 EUR to 20.99 EUR
  • 17.89 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 11.99 EUR
Hungary (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 21428 HUF or more
  • 1310.95 HUF Priority Shipping on orders of 10933 HUF to 21427.99 HUF
  • 3497.56 HUF Priority Shipping on orders of 6560 HUF to 10932.99 HUF
  • 5246.84 HUF Priority Shipping on orders of 4373 HUF to 6559.99 HUF
  • 6558.81 HUF Priority Shipping on orders less than 4372.99 HUF
Austria (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 56 EUR or more
  • 6.71 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 39 EUR to 55.99 EUR
  • 8.94 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 28 EUR to 39.99 EUR
  • 11.18 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 20 EUR to 27.99 EUR
  • 14.54 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 11 EUR to 20.99 EUR
  • 17.89 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 11.99 EUR
Latvia (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 56 EUR or more
  • 6.71 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 39 EUR to 55.99 EUR
  • 8.94 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 28 EUR to 39.99 EUR
  • 11.18 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 20 EUR to 27.99 EUR
  • 14.54 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 11 EUR to 20.99 EUR
  • 17.89 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 11.99 EUR
Luxembourg (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 56 EUR or more
  • 6.71 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 39 EUR to 55.99 EUR
  • 8.94 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 28 EUR to 39.99 EUR
  • 11.18 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 20 EUR to 27.99 EUR
  • 14.54 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 11 EUR to 20.99 EUR
  • 17.89 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 11.99 EUR
Bulgaria (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 109 BGN or more
  • 13.11 BGN Priority Shipping on orders of 76 BGN to 109.99 BGN
  • 17.48 BGN Priority Shipping on orders of 55 BGN to 76.99 BGN
  • 21.85 BGN Priority Shipping on orders of 39 BGN to 54.99 BGN
  • 28.40 BGN Priority Shipping on orders of 22 BGN to 39.99 BGN
  • 34.96 BGN Priority Shipping on orders less than 21.99 BGN
Moldova (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 1067 MDL or more
  • 0.00 MDL Priority Shipping on orders of 1067 MDL to 1067.99 MDL
  • 213.47 MDL Priority Shipping on orders less than 1067.99 MDL
Botswana (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 811 BWP or more
  • 97.33 BWP Priority Shipping on orders of 568 BWP to 811.99 BWP
  • 129.77 BWP Priority Shipping on orders of 406 BWP to 567.99 BWP
  • 162.22 BWP Priority Shipping on orders of 292 BWP to 405.99 BWP
  • 210.88 BWP Priority Shipping on orders of 162 BWP to 291.99 BWP
  • 259.55 BWP Priority Shipping on orders less than 162.99 BWP
Mozambique (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 2576 MZN or more
  • 451.92 MZN Priority Shipping on orders of 1882 MZN to 2575.99 MZN
  • 752.68 MZN Priority Shipping on orders of 1355 MZN to 1881.99 MZN
  • 978.64 MZN Priority Shipping on orders of 753 MZN to 1354.99 MZN
  • 1204.60 MZN Priority Shipping on orders less than 752.99 MZN
Zimbabwe (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 19295 ZWL or more
  • 2315.46 ZWL Priority Shipping on orders of 13507 ZWL to 19295.99 ZWL
  • 3087.27 ZWL Priority Shipping on orders of 9648 ZWL to 13506.99 ZWL
  • 3859.09 ZWL Priority Shipping on orders of 6946 ZWL to 9647.99 ZWL
  • 5016.82 ZWL Priority Shipping on orders of 3859 ZWL to 6946.99 ZWL
  • 6174.55 ZWL Priority Shipping on orders less than 3859.99 ZWL
New Zealand (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 97 NZD or more
  • 5.96 NZD Priority Shipping on orders of 70 NZD to 96.99 NZD
  • 9.98 NZD Priority Shipping on orders of 50 NZD to 69.99 NZD
  • 15.95 NZD Priority Shipping on orders of 30 NZD to 49.99 NZD
  • 23.98 NZD Priority Shipping on orders of 20 NZD to 29.99 NZD
  • 29.96 NZD Priority Shipping on orders less than 19.99 NZD
UAE (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 75 AED or more
  • 25.00 AED Priority Shipping on orders less than 74.99 AED
Slovakia (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 56 EUR or more
  • 6.71 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 39 EUR to 55.99 EUR
  • 8.94 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 28 EUR to 39.99 EUR
  • 11.18 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 20 EUR to 27.99 EUR
  • 14.54 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 11 EUR to 20.99 EUR
  • 17.89 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 11.99 EUR
Madagascar (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 267910 MGA or more
  • 32149.17 MGA Priority Shipping on orders of 187537 MGA to 267909.99 MGA
  • 42865.56 MGA Priority Shipping on orders of 133955 MGA to 187536.99 MGA
  • 53581.95 MGA Priority Shipping on orders of 96448 MGA to 133954.99 MGA
  • 69656.53 MGA Priority Shipping on orders of 53582 MGA to 96447.99 MGA
  • 85731.11 MGA Priority Shipping on orders less than 53581.99 MGA
Montenegro (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 56 EUR or more
  • 0.00 EUR Priority Shipping on orders of 56 EUR to 55.99 EUR
  • 11.18 EUR Priority Shipping on orders less than 55.99 EUR
Sri Lanka (1-3 Business Days Dispatch)
  • FREE Priority Shipping on orders of 18159 LKR or more
  • 2179.09 LKR Priority Shipping on orders of 12711 LKR to 18159.99 LKR
  • 2905.45 LKR Priority Shipping on orders of 9080 LKR to 12711.99 LKR
  • 3631.82 LKR Priority Shipping on orders of 6537 LKR to 9079.99 LKR
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